

I do not have the mood to work nor do I have the mood to go for class tonight. All I feel like doing is to stare at my computer screen. I’ve always wondered how people can zone out for hours in a state of oblivion and here I am discovering the ability to do so.

My director is leaving today. I will miss her but I know it’s the best thing she could ever have done for herself and her family. Yet I feel like grabbing her and begging her not to leave. Selfish much? I guess… I bought a card for her last night and found that no matter how I tried to express my feelings about how much she has given me in the last 3 years, all I could say was “thank you”. I think I am becoming someone I never thought I would be. Verbalising my emotions is such a task and an effort, to the point that I just give up.

*shrugs* oh well…such is life. I still see the bigger picture so wallowing in self-pity is not an option. =)

I think a drink tonight would be good. Cheers!


At 11:03 am, Blogger epidural said...

welcome to my world... or not.
turn around and run. if you chose to enter, do so at your own risk. pass the lobby and you have no hope of redemption. abandon hope all ye who enter. hehehe ... so dramatic!
think you're just being a lil too critical of yourself?
for the record, i don't think people just zone out infront of a computer. most of us get distracted or captivated by something we've seen or some article we stumbled upon. the internet is an infinite wonderland of usefull and useless information. all at your fingertips. doors waiting to opened. other people's lives begging to be intruded.
maybe its all just an excuse not to communicate.

At 6:41 pm, Blogger Torture a confession said...

yes desouza, I never thought I would turn into u...=p
and i do mean zoning out.not reading an article, but really..spacing out with absolute nothingness.oh have u read that book I told u to? It's hilarious. reminds me of ops..=)

At 8:17 pm, Blogger epidural said...

waiter minute... zoning out is not good and totally un-computer related. you could zone out sitting on the potty or getting stuck in traffic.
i haven't read the book yet but i did buy it off ebay and am waiting to receive it. lots of things remind me of ops =(
i don't think i'm that hard


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