

familiarity of smell

I miss your smell….

If asked to take away my smell or taste I would say please take away my ability to taste but never take away my ability to smell.

Besides,it just might help me lose some pounds. And what is taste without smell? Bitter, sweet, salty, sour and umami. The important senses when tasting wine. But wine is not that great without the accompanied smell of oak and fruit.

Smell is what sends signals of familiarity to your brain, coupled with emotions, it makes perfect sense that smell is what lures me to people.

I realise that I probably would never be able to date 2 people who use the same perfume. I’d probably end up very confused.

Smell is comforting to me but right now, even the smell of my smelly pillow can’t relieve me of my constant eccentricity.

Time to get rid of it!


At 3:58 am, Blogger Candidette said...

the 5 senses are a must. the 6th sense...not so much. unless you like ghosts and pontianics. besides...smelling heightens taste...so without smell it would be like being sensorically (?) handicapped.There'd be nothing worse. You know what it should taste like and alas...no taste. i digress. DRINK MORE WINE! TALK LESS! :oPcqlba

At 3:59 am, Blogger Candidette said...

dammit veitfication code messed up my *:oP*


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