This is Yazmin, my niece/goddaughter. Her birthday is coming up soon and she's turning 6!! geez..she's so tiny in that photo but oh so cute.
I am known to her as Elmo ee ee cos when she was bout 1-2, all she wanted to play with was my tickle me elmo. It made her chuckle so I sent it along with her back to Auckland and since then, Elmo hasn't been replaced.
When Yazzie visited me in Melbourne last year, I remember one conversation:
Elaine: "yazzie, when u grow up u can find a good man to get married to"
Yaz: "mummy, i don't want to get married to a boy"
Elaine: "well, u can get married to a girl too if that is what u want"
Yaz: "yeah, but not in Australia or New Zealand, maybe only in America"
Denise "WTF??? How the hell did she know that"
Anyway, it has been only a couple of months since Elaine passed away. I miss her and it has been really hard on David and Yazmin. But they are doing fine.
This is Yazzie and I playing on the sofa at the hospital. She said to me "Elmo eeee eeee, you are so strong, like a man...stronger than daddiee.." mum looked at me and raised her eyebrow... errrmmm how's that for brutal honesty.. but I love it. I miss that little one..