The beginning
The idea of creating my own blog has never crossed my mind. Even though I have recently acquired a fascination to reading interesting blogs, to create my own is somewhat considered “out of character”. Different people have different ways to express their opinions and share their knowledge as do I. Nevertheless, here I am, not knowing how or what to say.
Reason this blog was created – After dinner a couple of nights ago, I asked my friends what their opinions on cheating were. Miss Angry Bangry came up with “cheating is wrong, but I have cheated before and I can justify it based on my screwed up childhood”………………
WTF??? How random is that statement? Complete and utter shock triggered me to think “hmmm why not? Maybe I should blog about it..”
Anyway, I was in for a tough ride…basically because I am computer illiterate (with the exception of being proficient at Word/Excel and other basic applications), I had NO idea how to navigate, design or personalise my own blog. So my extremely patient and genius friends had to walk me through it. Thank you….mademoiselle Sookie and Cupcake.
Funny thing is, I have been so caught up with this whole set up that I am almost over the original topic of conversation “effects of your childhood”. So Sookie, no chance for rebuttal as yet….
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